Holding the Space Sessions

From Teddy Bear Talk Support
Revision as of 12:40, 23 April 2022 by Lfu (talk | contribs)
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Click here for a concise listing of currently available opportunities.

Propose times for calls and join proposed calls

Offer a possibility for a call -- Pick a time window(s) in which you could do a call.  Post it as an invitation on the schedule by signing up for "I am proposing a call." Only one group of people can use the Holding the Space Sessions Zoom account at a time.  So, make sure not to propose a time that conflicts with another call.
Choose to join a proposed call -- Find a call that someone else has proposed, and sign yourself up for "I will join you." (If needed, specify when in the proposed time window(s) you want to do the call.) 

Click on the appropriate "Sign Up" button(s) for what you want to do.  Then, when you click the "Submit and Sign Up" button at the bottom, a Comment box will appear.  That's where you put in the information for what you're proposing or for specifying anything when you're joining.  Note:  It is not necessary to log into SignUpGenius.  Doing so just makes it easier if you want to edit or delete what you've done and makes it easier to sign up for things.  (New blank slots for proposing times will be added, to replace the ones that have been filled in, by the end of each day.)  

Because the signup includes a lot of blank slots for each day, the quickest way to get to a date that you want to sign up for is to do a search for it.  For example, if you want to go to February 4th, then do a search for "02/04"

Augmented features of this signup

The functionality of this signup has been augmented with extra features that normal SignUpGenius signups don't have.  The main functionality we wanted to add was for proposers of times to be notified when someone signed up to join their call.  This way people wouldn’t have to keep coming back to the signup to check to see if anyone had signed up to join them.  So, the way we've implemented that is that whenever someone joins a call, all of the people who have already signed up for the call will be automatically notified with an email. 

Another feature we were asked to include was for getting notifications when times are proposed.  Unlike the "Someone has joined a call" notifications that are automatically sent out, you need to add yourself to a mailing list if you want to receive emails about new times that have been proposed.

Hosting the Zoom call

The default is that the proposer will be the host, i.e., the first person who signed up for the slot on the signup will be the host.

  • Click here for the instructions for hosting the Zoom call.

Joining the Zoom call

Click here for phone numbers for joining the Zoom call by phone.  

Opt-in to get notifications of new times

Click here to sign up to be notified when new times are offered (either immediately or with a once a day digest).

Concise view of proposed times

Click here for a concise listing of available times, with no slots that are already full. 

Notification Choices for the Holding the Space Sessions Signup

NOTE: The links below currently do NOT work.

Click the links below to manage your notifications for the Teddy Bear Signup.

Sign up to be notified whenever a new time is proposed.

Sign up to be removed from this mailing list.
Sign up to be added back on to this mailing list.

Sign up to be on the Once A Day At Most Digest of newly proposed times mailing list.

Sign up to be removed from this mailing list.
Sign up to be added back on to this mailing list.

For everyone who uses the signup, whenever there is a new signup for a slot, all of the people who have already signed up for the slot will be notified with an email.

If you sign up to get notifications whenever times are proposed, these emails will come shortly after a time is proposed. (Note: If the way the newly proposed time is specified is doesn't make sense to the computer program that is generating these emails, then it won't send emails out about that newly proposed time.)

If you sign up for the Once a Day At Most digest, then you'll get a digest that has times that have been proposed that are still open to more people signing up for them.